Thursday 30 October 2014

Top Ten Reasons Why You Need To Be At The Historic Buildings Parks & Gardens Event 2014

The annual Historic Buildings Parks & Gardens Event is just around the corner and we have compiled a list of our favourite top ten reasons to attend this major heritage conservation day. (In no particular order). 

The Historic Buildings Parks & Gardens Event 2014
The Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, Broad Sanctuary, Westminster London SW1P 3EE
Tuesday 18 November 2014 9.00am – 5.00pm

  • Over 75 companies and organisations will be offering products and services involved in the care, repair and conservation of historic buildings, parks and gardens will be exhibiting.

  • During the event visitors are invited to listen to three interesting and insightful speakers from 11:30am, 11:55am and 2:45pm (subject to seating availability).

  • This years 2014 HHA AGM guest speaker will be Chairman of The National Trust, Sir Simon Jenkins.

  • The last lecture, in association with HHA and Smiths Gore, will see French brothers, Jean-Charles and Alexandre de Vogüé, of Château de Vaux leVicomte,  talk about their ambitious restorations plans for the château and gardens.

  • From the traditional to cutting-edge technology, the exhibition will provide an opportunity to gather information and to discuss such issues as building conservation and repair, carpet restoration, computer systems, estate management, gates, gilding, glasshouses, insurance, interior decoration, ironwork, terracotta, textiles, windows and even vehicles and visitor attractions. 

  • The event is exclusively for owners and guardians of historic buildings (private, commercial and industrial), parks and gardens, as well as management staff, professional advisers and predefined organisations and their members. 

  • Visitors can register free of charge on the day (providing you are one of the above).

  • And finally, over 1,200 visitors attend the event every year - will you be one of them!

We are looking forward to the Historic Buildings Park and Gardens event and showcasing our modern Zardi & Zardi take on historic textiles and paintings.

Please be aware the event is not to the general public unless you belong to one of the above. Organisations that are invited to attend, are as follows:

20th Century Society
Ancient Monuments Society
Architects & Surveyors Institute
Association of Garden Trusts
Association for Independent Museums
Association of Preservation Trusts

British Antique Furniture Restorers' Association
British Society of Master Glass Painters
Civic Trust
Council for British Archaeology
Council for the Care of Churches
Council for the Prevention of Art Theft
Country Landowners and Business Owners Association
English Heritage*
English Historic Towns Forum
Fountain Society
Garden History Society
Georgian Group
Green Wood Trust

High Sheriff’s Association
Historic Houses Association
Historic Royal Palaces
Historic Scotland
Institute of Conservation (ICON)
Institute of Historic Building Conservation
Institute of Horticulture
Institute of Leisure & Amenity Management
Institute of Maintenance and Building Management
Institute of Paper Conservation
International Council on Monuments & Sites (ICOMOS)
Landscape Institute
London Parks and Gardens Trust
Museums Association
National Association of Decorative & Fine Art Societies**
National Churches Trust
National Council for the Conservation of Plants & Gardens
National Trusts (England, Scotlan
d & Wales)*
Professional Gardeners' Guild
Royal Forestry Society of England, Wales & N Ireland
Royal Institute of British Architects+
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors+
Royal Town Planning Institute+
Society of Archivists
Society of Architectural Historians
Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings
Society of Garden Designers
Society of London Art Dealers
United Kingdom Institute for Conservation
Victorian Society

* Management and professional staff
** NADFAS Volunteers
+ Relevant groups only

The above list is not exhaustive and other organisations may be invited to attend

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